The start of the walking trail is easily accessible on “Main Western Road”. Plenty of parking and great inland views make for a pleasant start to the walk. Another way to reach the famous “Witches Falls” Water Fall is to turn into Beacon Road from Main Western Road, and stay left when the road forks, reaching another entry point at the end of “Witches Chase” (see “Witches Chase Track” description second paragraph below).

The Witches Chase Track
This area has unfortunately been neglected for many years, with no signage provided, as well as the timber entry arch having rotted away leaving just the two bush rock base pillars.
The “Witches Falls National Park” was the FIRST National Park proclaimed in Queensland on 28 March 1908. There are several information signs erected at the start of the walk at “Main Western Road”, giving a good insight into the history of the area as well as its flora and fauna.
Witches Falls Circuit (E2), 3.1 km, allow about 1 hour, moderate grade
From the car park at “Main Western Road”, the southern start of the track descends down the steep mountainside through open forest, allowing great views inland. It eventually flattens out and continues through a stretch of seasonal lagoons, a wet-weather deviation track normally guarantees easy navigation all year round.

“Witches Falls” viewing platform
The northern entry also starts at the car park at “Main Western Road”, start heading north on the flat easy-to-follow track that runs behind the cemetery and some private properties. A bench constructed from old railway sleepers invites you to rest. The track then starts to descend into the valley, zigzagging down the mountain, passing through the medium-density rainforest with large boulders strewn all over the mountainside (114 stairs). Care must be taken, as some of the stairs use natural bush rocks, heights, therefore, vary considerably.

“Witches Falls” Waterfall
At the end of the descent, after briefly walking through a flatter section of rainforest, walkers will reach the “T” junction where the currently closed southern entry joins.
“Witches Falls” are reached just a couple of hundred meters to the right. Another 50 meters or so will get you onto the viewing platform, offering great inland views as well as letting you admire the “Witches Falls” waterfall (25 stairs).
Return is via the northern track zigzagging up the mountain again back to the carpark.
Witches Chase Track (D1 / D2), 2.7 km return, moderate grade

The Boulder Track
This walk also starts at “Main Western Road”. It descends down the mountain using the northern track to the “Witches Falls” waterfall and lookout (see above).
Once you are past the waterfall, the track continues along the cliff through the rainforest, passing a huge boulder field making for a slightly more challenging terrain. The boulder track is very rewarding to any walker, passing through Piccabeen palm groves and sub-tropical rainforest. The sometimes very large boulders are interwoven with tree roots and have grown into some amazing formations. Some care must be taken, rocks can be slippery and loose (19 stairs).

Car Park at “Witches Chase”
At the end of the boulder field either turn around and head back or keep following the track until you reach the car park at the end of “Witches Chase”(22 Stairs).
From here, the Witches Falls car park is 3 km along Beacon and Main Western Roads, however, if you can not get picked up from here, the walk back the way you came from is a much better option.